Carlos Valdespina

Nurse and SalusPlay CEO

1 What is humanization for you?

Humanization is the act of making someone more friendly, affable or close to something.

2 Do you have any personal experience in the world of health humanization?

My father was diagnosed with Chronic Renal Failure and started hemodialysis sessions when I was 15 years old. This first experience with the healthcare world has marked me as a person and as a nurse. I will always remember the conversations I had with my father, in which he indicated to me how the dialysis session had gone and that nurses had taken care of him during it. The fact that the dialysis session was led by more friendly nurses, marked not only the evolution of the session itself, but even the mood of the day after it.

These and other experiences that I continue to experience during my personal and professional life, I internalize and try to apply my daily work, either by digesting a nursing training and consulting company like SalusPlay or working as a nurse specializing in occupational nursing.

3 How would you humanize the world of management?

There are numerous activities that I believe could improve the humanization of health management, although the simplest and in my opinion most effective, is none other than caring for the staff you lead. For this, it is essential to have empathy and have direct access to all the information generated in the unit or organization that you manage.

4 Do you think that values ​​and ethics go hand in hand when re-humanizing the organization?

For an organization to be humanized it is necessary that the members that form it have their values ​​aligned with it. It is normal to be able to differ in one or other values ​​with respect to your organization, but those most relevant values ​​must be shared.

5 Where should humanization begin?

No doubt in the nursing faculties themselves. It is necessary that the new nurses internalize from their studies of the degree, that the center of our profession is not the diseases, but the people, and that therefore it is not only necessary to be a good professional in the technical field, but also in the human .

6 Do you know any historical person who was humanizing?

I know several characters that could be considered humanizing for their works, but I would stick with the figure of Nelson Mandela, perhaps because of the ability to dismantle a racist structure like apartheid from South Africa, to later favor the reconciliation of a divided society.

When it comes to the healthcare world and safeguarding differences, I think we should do something similar in the healthcare world. It is not necessary to disassemble the entire system, but to retouch it to put the patient at the center of decision making.

7 Because of your experience as a professional involved in training, how do you think the HUGES Project should focus its activities?

In my opinion, in order to “soak up” humanization, health management is necessary to progressively and continuously develop a series of training activities both regulated and unregulated, which in a practical way help the health manager to make decisions In your daily work. These training activities should be developed both virtual and in person, being able to take advantage of social networks not only to disseminate them, but as a training tool.